Tandon videotech undertakes development of film-making,  television serials, music video's, fillers, animation and special effects for movies, advertisements, talk shows and jingles, CD titles with interactive content, video games, cartoon films, fillers and montages. We are self content in terms of owning  filmmaking & recording studios, animation sweatshops and production houses. 

We create titles right from the stage of conceptualization, scripting, defining outlines for characters, voice mixing , rendering graphics and animation. Animation films are usually made for the media (TV channels, movies), or can be used as effective source of communication by the advertising industry. Fillers and montages are small animations based on social issues such as saving the environment, fighting against pollution, etc. These are in demand from channels such as Doordarshan, Discovery and National Geographic. Fillers are typically shown to fill the gap between the end of one program and the commencement of another program. The work requires creating in-between and cleaning frames followed by coloring and finishing. 

CBT / WBT (computer/web based training programme) are a new means of imparting interactive training on a particular subject, through the use of tutorials on computer through educational cd's or websites respectively. 

Post production video/ audio editing activities involve digital video editing and composition of any film or animation serial whose components have been finished and need the final integration to be done on them. Special effects are comprised of creating scenes with visual and sound ambience that in reality, may be impossible to achieve. This includes animated characters flying at incredible speeds, huge explosions or magical morphing of one character into another.